Spooky Halloween Werewolf Cupcakes!

Happy Halloween to all my festive foodies out there!  Last week, there was a spooky bake-off at work; …uh OF COURSE I’m going to participate, was that even a real question?  The idea was to be spooky and scary in any medium, so naturally I did a ton of soul searching, and made cupcakes.  And by that I mean searching on Pinterest for ‘spooky baked good ideas’.  Ms. Originality over here.

Scary delicious chocolate werewolves!
Scary delicious chocolate werewolves!

I do have to give a shout-out to one of my favorite go-to-for-inspiration blogs, Annie’s Eats for the idea!  Check out her page for some more detailed step-by-step photos and action shots of making the werewolves.  I used my basic chocolate cupcake recipe (found here or here) and… drumroll please. I bought the frosting.  This is a big deal, because YOU all know my stance on “things from a box” but I had to accept my limitation on this one.  It’s actually a funny story:

So perfectly festive for Halloween
So perfectly festive for Halloween

I bought these adorable paper liners for the bake-off, you see.  I thought, “Hey, orange base and chocolate frosting, these will really POP!”  Well…

They popped alright.
They popped alright.

To make a long story short, it was Sunday night at around 10:30 and I’m already 2 batches of batter deep.  The cooking time was COMPLETELY off and I inadvertently filled the cups too high.  I had to call it a night and resigned myself to be both baking and decorating on Monday after work (Thank goodness the bake-off was Tuesday).  So, I bought the icing- and you know what? PEOPLE LOVED IT.  Not sure what that really says for my icing but, not thinking about that, focusing on the positive!


Anyways – not too much on the recipe front; but the photos were just adorbs.

Sans icing.
Sans icing.

Arroooooo! Is that how werewolves sound? I think so.  Anyways, stakes were VERY high for this one – winner (ME) was awarded a JEANS DAY! That’s right.  Winner winner, jeans day …dinner?  These pups were super time consuming and sticky, but at the end of the made people so I was happy to have that.  Also, feeling kinda proud of myself.  But that’s neither here nor there.


For the record – I used regular sized marshmallows, mini m&m’s, and black jelly beans to do the face/nose!  The mouth was fruit rollups.

Happy Baking! and WOW November already? Can’t wait to start making all sorts of winter-time goodies!

Thanks for stopping by!

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